Occasionally you run across someone who is just downright friendly. You know the one – easy to talk to, a ready smile, has a calming effect on everyone around. I met someone today who embodied the very definition of friendly. After escorting his wife of 34 years to her chair in the waiting room, he excused himself from her to say hello to everyone. Which he did. This was not just your normal, “Hi, how are you” greeting. Oh, no. It was the, “Hello, how is your day going? [and waited for the response], what a lovely blouse and it matches that gorgeous bracelet.” It was first rate. By the time he made this way through the women’s breast center waiting room, he managed to greet and engage about two dozen women – and left us all with a smile and a feeling that we had all had a rare and exhilarating experience.
The woman sitting next to me and I must have been especially responsive to him because he seemed to take a lot of time with us explaining his life and passion. His wife was there on a checkup from a very serious diagnosis of breast cancer last year. The way he gushed over her and their life, I could only imagine what the day before must have been like for her.
As I type this, I am still smiling over that encounter and the warmth he extended to perfect strangers, whom he treated like we were long-lost friends. It reminds me, too, of the power that we all have as individuals to make a difference AS an individual. We can do things that extend our influence for the length of a smile, a few hours, or, if we are lucky, a life-time.
It is my hope today, the day after Cupid was busy slinging his arrows, that we remember that touching another person’s life is life changing for all of us. We can do something for today and tomorrow that will make a difference long after we are gone.
So, I sincerely hope that my blog can make you smile from time to time, get your prepared for those unseen events, and remind you that someone really does care...cause I do, my friend. I really do.
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